Anyone under 18 may enter as often as they like, individually or collaborativel.
work submitted is eligible forever to win once.
person or group entering may win as often as once every ten weeks.
Please also include an additional photograph showing artist(s) with the work being submitted, and provide their name(s) and age(s), and the name of the community (town and nation).
PRIZE! All art sent to may be displayed at this website!
One entry will be selected each week for a prize of $100 (one hundred USD).
Judging criteria:
Art may be any size, for example, a wall mural or a postage stamp, and may be drawings, paintings, sculptures, etc. Pictures of art sent to contest are judged by how they may appear on paper money, so it's ok to submit larger images, but artists may be helped to see their submissions already sized to fit on paper money before emailing. Videos and animations, including GIFS, of performance art (dancing, singing, music, etc) are also eligible to be displayed on this website and to win the weekly prize, and someday may be capable of being added to paper and virtual money.
Art with single or multiple images are accepted. Text may be included with images (as with graphic storytelling), but text is not required.
The image or images should tell a story of people caring-in-action for those around them and the Earth beneath their feet. For example, an image may show an action such as children planting trees.
Artists may rework their original entries to resubmit as new original entries. All entries must be the original work of the artist or artists submitting the entry.
Artists will be contacted at the email address of the sender to confirm eligibility and arrange transfer of cash prize.
All art remains the property of the artists. Entering contest grants permission to the sponsor for the art to be displayed at this Kind.Voyage website (, and accepting a weekly prize grants permission for use of art on community money, and to be reproduced and advertised as art-quality prints for sale to help fund community money systems, with profits split with artists.
The Children's Eternal Earth Art Contest is sponsored byReconomy (
We'll be printing real money using kids' art —
money to pay people to sustainably develop human and natural resources. And we'll back the money with deposits of national money until it is backed by what is produced!
That's Reconomy
in the public domain at